While working in a hybrid environment is a big plus for many employees (the 2021 Work Trend Index said over 70 percent of workers want flexible remote work options to continue) it does come with its own unique set of challenges. Some of the main drawbacks are not having clear boundaries around working hours which can result in work burnout, being disconnected from your team, and feeling disjointed when continuously transitioning from…
Tips for Hybrid Work:View
One of the most important tools for job seekers is having an impactful LinkedIn profile. It’s something both recruiters and hiring managers check to see your work history, skillset, and credibility. In addition to having your professional photo, personal summary, work experience, and education listed, one way to help your LinkedIn profile really stand out is by having some stellar LinkedIn recommendations. Praise from a boss, client,…
Asking For a LinkedIn Recommendation:View
In the business world, crafting a well-executed and thoughtful email is both a useful and valuable skill. It’s estimated that “the average professional spends 28% of the work day reading and answering email” with spending so much time on email, it can be tempting to quickly respond to a message without rereading your response. One must remember that when reading emails, the recipient doesn’t know the tone of your voice, so what you…
Email Etiquette Tips:View
In late June of 2021 it was estimated that “Nearly 25% of employees are planning to look for a new job once the pandemic is over.” We’re in the midst of what has been dubbed as “The Great Talent Migration” and many employees looking to switch roles are doing so for better work-life balance, remote work flexibility, and company culture. If you’re part of the 25% considering looking for a new role, there are some clear…
Signs It's Time to Find a New Job:View
Work burnout affects all of us at one point or another. A recent Indeed study found that “more than half (52%) of respondents are feeling burned out, and more than two-thirds (67%) believe the feeling has worsened over the course of the pandemic.” Some of the classic signs of burnout include exhaustion, lack of motivation, inability to stay focused, and irritability. Here are some additional insights about burnout you may…
What to Know About Work Burnout:View
We’re over a week into the new year and many of those that set resolutions at the beginning of the month may be finding themselves starting to waver on their goals. If you’re finding yourself in this position, or have already faltered, don’t stress! Here are some tips to motivate yourself to stay focused on your goals and to make the most of 2022.
Adopt the “SMART” Method
The “SMART” method stands for Specific, Measurable,…
Keeping up With Your New Year's Resolutions:View
It’s always important to prepare before an interview and have prepared answers to common questions such as “What are you biggest strengths” or “Why are you interested in working here?”. Another common interview question, that is a little more personal, is “how would you describe yourself?”. Here are some suggestions so you can answer this question with self-reflection. These tips will help the hiring manager get a glimpse of who…
How to Answer Describe Yourself During an Interview:View
There are some weeks you start off energized and ready to take on anything that comes your way… and there are others when it feels like the exact opposite. On those Mondays, it can feel like you’re dragging, struggling to tackle your to-do list, and each task can feel like a chore. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. Having a bit of an attitude adjustment and doing things slightly different, can make a huge difference. Here are…
Tips for Starting Your Week off Right:View
With our current tight job market, increased job flexibility, and technical advances, we are going through what has been phrased as the “Great Talent Migration”. What is the reason for the current talent migration and what does it mean for companies looking to hire and retain their employees? In today’s blog, we discuss further.
What’s Causing the Migration?
A Microsoft study found that “41 percent of employees were considering…
The Great Talent Migration of 2021:View
Meetings bring people together for a purpose with a defined beginning, middle, and end. Whether in-person, or remote, most work environments hold at least one meeting each week, and many have them daily. They may consist of all-hands meetings, team meetings, and 1-on-1 meetings. Each type offers its own benefits and the structure for each varies. So how can you make the most out of your work meetings? Here are some suggestions.
Be clear on your…
Improving Your Work Meetings:View